ADHD Testing

Test for ADHD with our 6-question ADHD symptom checker

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    To complete the ADHD symptom checker you will need to answer each of the following 6 questions based on how you have felt and conducted yourself over the past 6 months.

    There are no right or wrong answers. At the end you will be given a result that will either suggest that ADHD is something that is worth being assessed for if your score is high enough OR, if your score is low, it is unlikely that you would fulfil the criteria for a diagnosis of ADHD.

    Please note, this questionnaire is not diagnostic or a replacement for a full assessment. It is for initial consideration.

Why Test for ADHD with our Symptom Checker?

We offer compassionate support to those potentially affected by ADHD. Our simple 6-question screening tool is designed to help you assess the likelihood of ADHD symptoms. If your responses indicate a potential concern, we encourage you to delve deeper into ADHD symptoms, consider scheduling a comprehensive assessment with our consultant psychiatrists, and embark on a personalised path to ADHD treatment and medication.

Our commitment is to empower you with the clarity and resources needed to make informed decisions about your well-being, ensuring that you receive the support, guidance, and treatment suited to your needs, enabling you to thrive in your daily life.

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Understanding the Importance of ADHD Testing

If you suspect you may have ADHD or have been experiencing symptoms that impact your daily life, our ADHD symptom checker can provide valuable insights. Testing for ADHD is the first step toward gaining clarity about your symptoms and potential challenges. Here’s why you should consider an ADHD test with our symptom checker.

Early Identification of ADHD

Testing for ADHD allows for early identification of potential symptoms, which can be crucial in addressing challenges and seeking appropriate support. Recognising ADHD symptoms early can lead to better outcomes in various aspects of life, including education, work, and relationships.

Informed Decision-Making

Our ADHD symptom checker empowers you to make informed decisions about your well-being. It offers an initial assessment of your symptoms, giving you a clearer understanding of whether they align with ADHD characteristics. This knowledge can guide your next steps in seeking comprehensive assessment and potential treatment.

What to Do After Testing for ADHD

Next Steps After Using the ADHD Symptom Checker

It’s important to note that the results of our ADHD screening tool are not a diagnosis. Instead, they provide an initial assessment of your symptoms. After testing for ADHD, here’s what you should consider:

Consult with a Professional

If your screening results indicate that you may have symptoms consistent with ADHD, it is recommended that you consult with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive assessment. This assessment will involve a thorough evaluation of your symptoms, medical history, and potential co-existing conditions to determine whether an ADHD diagnosis is appropriate.

Explore Co-Existing Conditions

ADHD symptoms can overlap with those of other co-existing conditions, such as anxiety, depression, or specific learning disorders. A comprehensive assessment will help identify and address any co-existing conditions that may be contributing to your symptoms.

Get Tailored ADHD Treatment

If you receive an ADHD diagnosis after a comprehensive assessment, you and your healthcare provider can work together to develop a tailored treatment plan. Treatment options may include medication, therapy, counselling, and lifestyle modifications designed to address your specific needs.

Remember that seeking professional evaluation and diagnosis is essential for a comprehensive understanding of your symptoms and the development of an effective treatment plan. Our commitment is to empower you with the clarity and resources needed to make informed decisions about your well-being, ensuring that you receive the support, guidance, and treatment suited to your needs, enabling you to thrive in your daily life.

Seeking Diagnosis and Support?

ADHD Health Clinic specialises in assessments and personalised treatment plans to empower individuals managing their ADHD symptoms.

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Understanding ADHD Symptoms

Symptoms often manifest differently in individuals and can have a significant impact on various aspects of life.

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